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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales- "Sheep"

To finish off our unit on nursery rhymes and fairy tales, we focused on the rhymes and stories about sheep.  The children really enjoyed singing the many verses of "Mary Had a Little Lamb," "Little Bo Peep," and reviewing "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep."  We also practiced our listening skills as we counted how many times the word sheep came up in "Little Boy Blue." We introduced the "sh" blend this week as we learned about sheep and shapes.
For one of our projects this week, the children covered their own sheep with fluffy "wool" to make it look real!  They enjoyed pulling apart the "wool" to make it soft and fluffy and loved how their sheep looked when it was finished!


 This week we also worked a lot on numbers.  Sheep are perfect for counting, so we made a counting book full of them!  The 3's books went from 1-5 while the Pre-K kids took a couple of days and made books from 1-10!  This was a great introduction to addition as we talked about  how we could combine different amounts to get a larger amount.  They really had a great time as they glued, counted, and traced the numbers!

They were all so proud of their books!  They loved "reading" them too!
  Mother Goose brought her loyal goose Goosey with her again this week, but instead of the children getting to see the eggs Goosey laid, Mother Goose had a different surprise in store...
an umbrella full of raindrops!  What a perfect surprise with all the spring rain we've been getting lately!  The kids were so thrilled and delighted to get under the big umbrella together and to choose a raindrop with a special activity on it!

 One day a week, the kids get to choose whatever they want off the shelves during centers.  They look forward to this exciting day to get different games and toys down that they maybe haven't played with for a while.  I love seeing the children play so well together and take turns and help each other.  Preschool is such a great way to facilitate those positive social interactions.

We had some fun music times this week with practicing songs for the graduation program,
playing the children's favorite song/game of ponies galloping,
and some good ol' freeze dancing!
These children are growing up!  I can hardly believe it's almost the end of the school year!  We've learned so much and had so many wonderful experiences this year and we still have a few more weeks filled with adventure and learning to go! 

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