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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mother's--We Love You!!

At the beginning of this week we learned about animal mothers.
The children really enjoyed playing with our little puzzle set of animal mothers and their babies.  They like finding the babies who are all hiding and matching them with their mama.

  We also talked about our own mothers and how much we love them.
To show them just how much we love them we made them a special card.  

We read a darling story called "A Gift for Mama" by Linda Ravin Lodding about a young boy who wanted to find the prefect gift for his mom.  He came across many ideas for the perfect gift and helped so many people on his journey.  Just like the little boy, each child got to give their mom a beautiful rose to enjoy.

The moms were very happy!  : )  I wish I would've gotten pictures of all the children with their moms.  But here are just a few to enjoy!


Thank you, Moms, for all the love you give your children.  Your dedication to your children's education and happiness is inspiring.  You really do make a difference--where would we be without our wonderful mothers to nurture and love us each and every day?  Happy Mother's Day!
We have been working on writing our names with only the first letter capitalized.  These children are really getting it down!  They've done a fantastic job as they practice each day.

The children love when Ms. Ann gets to read them a little story!

Puzzles have been a big hit lately!  The kids are getting to the point where they can do many puzzles by themselves or with a friend!  Puzzles promote development of many different skills including cognitive (figuring out how to solve the problem of the puzzle), physical (rotating the pieces to fit together), as well as emotional (practice patience and delayed gratification and tasting of the reward once it's finished!).  We love puzzles- big and small!

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