Spider week was last week and we had a lot of webby, spidery fun!
We learned so much about spiders and loved getting to examine a real specimen up close!
The children absolutely loved playing "Dead or Alive"! Each child shook and dropped a handful of spiders and then separated the ones that were dead (on their backs) from the ones that were alive (standing on their feet). The Pre-K kids worked on counting, tallying, and comparing their spider data and the 3-year-olds worked on sorting and counting their spiders.
Showing their neighbors and Ms. Ann some cool spider books! It was fascinating to see how many different spiders there are and to see the different kind of webs they make!
We read Eric Carle's "The Very Busy Spider" and practiced choral reading one portion that repeated often. The kids were so proud of themselves as they read along!
After reading "The Very Busy Spider," the children became very busy spiders themselves and spun their own webs.
The webs turned out great, complete with a spider to crawl around it!!
This class really enjoyed creating a class-sized spider web with Miss Anna and pretending to be the spider who caught the bug in the web.
Trying out our new kid-sized cleaning tools at our preschool!!
As you can see...the letter of the week was "V"!
They always thoroughly enjoy practicing writing the letters! I hope parents are giving them opportunities to practice writing them at home too.
As we were making our "Itsy Bitsy Letter V Books", this boy realized his scraps from cutting were in a "V" shape! Letters really are all around us! Be sure to point out letters wherever you are with your child!
While learning about the letter "V", we got to learn about violins! Here we're enjoying watching and listening to some impressive violin skills! Music exposure is so important for children to appreciate the beauty of music and the talent involved in creating it.
I absolutely loved that this sweet student shared her blossoming musical talent with her class! She really did a fantastic job plucking and bowing! The kids loved seeing a real violin and seeing their classmate's developing talent!
We have deeply enjoyed having Miss Anna and Miss Emily as assistant teachers! We will all miss them greatly! Best wishes as they head out to serve missions!
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