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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Celebrating Easter!

We had a fabulous week learning about and getting ready for Easter!!  I am so grateful for the true meaning of Easter and truly enjoy the fun side of Easter too!
 To start off the week, we did some jellybean math!  We worked on numeral recognition and writing with our Pre-K kids.
 Then, they added the correct number of jellybeans to each oval and sorted them by color.  They were on fire with their math addition skills too!  Each child was asked individual math questions and they all did a great job!  They are learning so much!
 The 3-year-old classes worked on sorting all their jellybeans and then we talked about which colors had the same amount, which had the least, most, and how many certain colors had.
Math can be so fun and confidence-building! 
The children really enjoyed making their own Easter Bunny bags for our...


When it was too wet to have an egg hunt outside, we had fun finding eggs inside!
Miss Anna led the kids in some fun Easter games and songs for music and movement!

For centers this week, the children were delighted to take turns putting on some little puppet shows!  They all enjoyed watching them too!
Our letter of the week was Q!  After reading "My 'q' Book", we painted our letter Q with Q-tips!

This was not only a fun, new way to paint, but it was great for the kids to practice taking turns.  With this kind of painting, we only had 1 Q-tip for each color so the children shared Q-tips and palettes with a partner.  This would be a fun at-home activity as well!

Playing with shapes and friends during centers this week!

Enjoying "Ring Around the Rosies" for music and movement!  I love seeing their darling smiles!


Last, but definitely not least, our wonderful Ms. Ann had a birthday this week!  The children all gave her a big birthday hug and sang "Happy Birthday"!  We LOVE Ms. Ann!  She is so loving and patient with the children and is a great listener and story-teller too!

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