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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pet Week!

For our 2nd summer camp we learned all about PETS!
The children took turns matching the pet with its name written out.  We practiced letters by pointing out various letters in our words as well as reading together for those who were ready.  

We learned about what types of things pets need.  We learned that pets eat many different things depending on what kind of animal it is.  

For one of our projects, we sorted stuffed animal pets and compared them.  We counted and pointed out which pet had the most and which had the least.  
We love books!  Each week we rotate the books that the children look through after snack time while everyone finishes snack.  The kids really enjoyed all the books about all kinds of pets!

Since we have our own preschool pet rabbit, we just had to learn more about pet rabbits!  We enjoyed the book "Brown Bear's Shape Book" and then for our project, the kids painted Brown Bear blowing up a balloon just like he did in our story!  Painting is a wonderful way to strengthen those fine motor skills in little hands.  It is also a very calming exercise.   We love painting-days at the preschool!

This week we read a darling interactive book about dogs.  The kids loved getting to feel the different textures and make the dog's tail wag!

After learning so much about pets and how to take care of them, we made special note of our little preschool pet rabbit and all the things she needs to stay healthy.

Enjoying the chance to pet our pet rabbit!  They were all so gentle!
The children all delighted in playing with our many pet stuffed animals during centers.  This was another great opportunity to practice sharing and taking turns with the different pets.
One group even turned into veterinarians and gave the pets check-ups and made sure they were healthy!
Practicing teamwork with our big pet puzzle! 
The caterpillars we got last week have been so FASCINATING to have in our classroom!  We all loved watching them get bigger and bigger and one by one find their way to the top of their enclosure this week and turn into a chrysalis.  It is truly remarkable!  

This week we also worked on the letters "R", "P", and "D".

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