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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weather and Wind!

This week we learned the letter "T".  I loved when these kids spontaneously made their own "T's" during centers!
During November we are learning about weather!  We talked about sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, windy, rainy, and snowy.  Here we were making a sun for sunny weather.
Then we made a weather chart that the kids could take home to share with their family what type of weather they observe each day.  This was a great project for the Pre-K kids to practice their cutting skills.  They did a great job!  All the students were very interested in learning about the weather.  Every time we went out to recess, we looked up at the sky and noticed what the weather was like.  They were so intrigued!  We will continue to notice how the weather changes as we transition into winter!

We talked about how the weather determines what we wear outside.  The children took turns picking an item out of our bag and deciding if we would wear it when it was hot, cold, or rainy outside. 

We also learned about the wind this week.  We learned that the wind is helpful in a lot of ways from spreading seeds to making sailboats move.  For our project we experimented with a variety of objects to see if we could make them move with the "wind" we could produce with our mouth.  The kids loved testing each item and were thrilled when they could make it move!  Then they drew pictures of their findings!

 I just had to add this picture!  It was so fun to watch as more than half of this class came to school dressed in stripes!  What a coincidence!
  Music time with instruments is always exciting!  These kids were learning the different names of the instruments and how to play them.  They did a great job taking turns playing each one!

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