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Thursday, October 15, 2015

All about Trees

Fall is a great time to learn all about trees!  As a class we explored many different parts of trees with our senses!  Children love feeling new textures and comparing things in nature.  Some thing were pokey, some were rough, and some were smooth!  We had different types of bark, leaves, pine needles, and pine cones. 

As we learned about the parts of a tree, the kids were able to remember them better by touching and feeling the actual parts of the trees!  Take time to continue your kids' exploration of trees and point out things you notice too this fall!

We had a fun time with the fantastic book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom," by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault.  The children loved making their own coconut tree and putting the letters of their name in the tree.  If you haven't read this book with your child, you should!  It's a great way to reinforce the letter names to young children!

For one of our projects this week we played Build-A-Tree-By-Number!  This game reinforced the different parts of a tree as well as numbers as the children rolled a dice to see which part of the tree they got to add next.

This week we learned about the letter "A".  The children loved that the sound of "A" is "ah-ah-ah" just like the sound they make when they get spooked at Halloween! : )
We learned about ants and the kids were delighted to march to the song "The Ants Go Marching."  They marched one-by-one, two-by-two, and three-by-three!

After learning about ants and how their bodies are made of 3 sections and that they have 6 legs, we made little ants marching one-by-one across the page.  They did a great job!

This scarecrow puzzle was a perfect fall center!

Having fun singing some Halloween songs together!

We had the doctor kit and the stuffed animals out this week for centers.  These kids set up a whole clinic for the animals and worked and played so well together!  Developing good social skills is very important as these kids get ready for kindergarten!

We had a fantastic week and look forward to learning about apples next week and reviewing the letters we've learned so far- S, F, I, M, L, and A!

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