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The seeds of greatness are sprouted HERE!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Last Week of School and Pre-Kindergarten Graduation!

We had a such an enjoyable last week of preschool!  We finished up our unit on plants with learning about flowers!
 The older kids tried their hand at still-life drawings as they drew various flowers!  They really created some impressive works of art!
 We also learned about PURPLE and how to make it by mixing blue and red!  It's always quite magical to kids to watch as a new color is created!
 We went on a purple hunt around our classroom and found so many different purple objects and noted the many shades of purple too!
 We used purple to make a hand-print flower for moms and dads to remember just how big (or small) these cute little children's hand prints were when they finished this year of preschool!
 Another special thing we did the last week was Show and Tell!  The kids were all so excited to show something special to their class!  It was fun to see what each child brought and to hear what they wanted to tell us about their particular item.  This little boy was so happy to share his new little sister with his class! : )
Great pictures from centers and recess this last week!  I am so proud of all of these kids as they have become such good friends with their classmates and have learned to share and take turns and work together!
 Thank you to all those who came to the graduations and for all your support of the preschool and your children!  They have all learned SO much this year and have grown up a lot!  I feel so blessed to have been a part of their lives!
 Good luck in Kindergarten!!  You're going to do amazing things!  I will miss these big Pre-K kids!!

Thank you for a wonderful year!!  We made a lot of fun memories and learned so much together!  I love each of your darling children!

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