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Monday, December 15, 2014

Winter Holidays!

 Let me start by saying "Thank you" to Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Spackman, Miss Emily, and Miss Anna for filling in for me while I was not feeling well and couldn't teach.  What great ladies!  I loved seeing this picture of a little story time while the other children were finishing their snack--precious!
 Also, a big "Thank you" to the parents that volunteered in our classroom this week!  This class loved learning about the violin from a classmate's mom.  They wanted to hear more and more Christmas favorites!
 Hands-on is such a powerful, unforgettable way to learn!
What a memorable experience to have a classmate's mom read stories to the class!  These kids loved it!
If any other parents are interested in sharing a talent or reading to the class, please let me know!  I love having parents involved and it is so sweet to see how much it means to the individual child as well!
 I couldn't resist adding these darling pictures of centers this week!  
Carefully giving the animals check-ups!
Exploring science with marbles!
 This week we learned about other winter holidays!  We learned about Kwanzaa and colored a color-by-number of their candle holder and candles.  I was so impressed with how the children did with this activity!  They were very careful to get the candles colored the correct colors!
 We also learned about Hannakah!  The children enjoyed placing the candles in the menorah and learning about the daily celebration that went with each candle-lighting.
Practicing spinning a dreidel!
Some of the kids were very good at spinning a top while others had never tried it before!
Then we made a countdown chain for Christmas!  It's coming soon! ; )

Making sure they had the right number of rings until Christmas!
We learned the letter "G" this week and the Pre-K students got to learn about the Grinch from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss.  We used this book to talk about what Christmas is really about as well as how being mean doesn't make us happy, but that loving and sharing with others does!
Making their own Grinch with crayons, glue, glitter, and cotton balls!
  And lastly, we had a magical visit from Mother Goose this week! 
 We are so fortunate to have such a dynamic, interactive visitor that comes to our classes each month!

I hope you had a nice weekend!  I'm looking forward to our last week of school before the Christmas break!  We'll be learning about Christmas as well as the letter "C"!

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