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Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  We had a fantastically spooky week full of fun Halloween activities, songs, and games!  
 Number recognition and one-to-one correspondence with spiders was pretty creepy! ; )  The older kids practiced writing the numbers as well.
We learned a fun Halloween song this week: "Halloween is Coming!"  The kids loved playing the tambourines at certain points in the song.  This was great for them to practice holding them still when the tambourines should be quiet and then playing them when it was time to play! 

We learned the letter "H" this week--perfect for Halloween and Hats!
The Pre-K classes made wizard and witch hats for our "H" project!

 The kids absolutely loved Ms. Ann's song about the witches' brooms!  : )
Thank you to all the parents who helped with our Halloween parties!  It was wonderful to have you be a part of the festivities!  From reading Halloween stories, to bringing treats, and helping with Halloween games--you were superb!  It was so darling to see how excited each child got when their mom came to help!


 Witches, cats, and other Halloween shapes out of Play-doh!
 Halloween Bingo!

We had fun doing a "Pumpkin Walk" to get our Halloween treats!
 One class was honored to have Anna and Elsa from "Frozen" come sing for them on Halloween!  
(Our assistant teachers are the best!)
The "Reading Wizard" (Mr. Cooper) made a special visit to each of our classes this week!  He read a magical story and encouraged the kids to have their parents read to them each night!  
Make time to read to your sweet little ones daily!  Not only is it a great bonding experience, but it also helps them to become fluent readers later on.

We hope you had a fun, safe Halloween!

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