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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Farm Animals Week!

Farm week was full of fun learning!  We sorted animals so we would know which animals live on a farm and then we grouped the farm animals together, talked about what sounds animals make and sang "Old MacDonald Had A Farm!" 
Although we learned about all the animals on a farm, we focused on cows and sheep specifically. 
 Playing farm animal memory match was a great way to reinforce what we had learned about the animals like their names and the sounds they make.  Not to mention the fact that it is a wonderful game to encourage kids to pay close attention and try to remember where the animals were.
 For my classes that just have kids going into kindergarten in a couple weeks, we had fun choosing a farm animal to draw and write a poem about!  They did a fantastic job on their illustrations as well as the words they chose to fill in their poems! 

 This week we learned the letters "H," "G," and "L," along with the number 9.  These kids really enjoy practicing writing their letters and couldn't resist making their own letters with their bodies!  This was a great activity for processing spacial relations and for those kinesthetic learners.
 When we learned about cows, we looked at many different kinds of cows and their different colors.  We also took a virtual field trip to a dairy farm and saw how we get milk from cows and what foods we get from milk!

 Snack time was a great opportunity to try some foods we get from farm animals like different kinds of cheese, eggs, and milk!
 We read a darling story this week called "Kiss the Cow" by Phyllis Root.  As part of the Utah State Standard for Preschool, we practiced retelling this story using our puppet theater and a few props!  They did a great job remembering the story!
Mother Goose rhymes are filled with farm animals!  We learned "Little Boy Blue" and "Hey, Diddle, Diddle" this week and again worked on taking turns retelling these rhymes using pictures and making their own nursery rhyme book!
Last, but not least, sometimes it's important to just let the kids relax and get some one-on-one time with a book!  Even though most preschoolers cannot read the words on the page, it is a crucial step in learning to read to just have their own time with books-looking at the illustrations and enjoying that quiet time!

Our last week of summer preschool we are learning about Ocean Animals!  Check in at the end of the week to see what we learned!

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