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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pet Week!

 Pet week was super!  We learned about lots of different kinds of pets, what they eat, what kind of house they need, what they like to play with, etc.  We learned the most about dogs, cats, and rabbits!  It was fun to hear what kind of pets our students have at home and how they help take care of them.
We made our own pet rocks at the beginning of the week so each child could have their own pet to take home!  The kids loved using their fine motor skills to paint and their imagination in deciding how to paint their individual pet! We added eyes and a fuzzy tail too!

 Stringing beads was a great center for fine motor skills as well as math practice with making patterns.
 The kids always seem to enjoy when we get to have kitchen and house as a center!  They played so well together as we took care of babies and made sure everyone had some yummy food!  This is a great center for developing those crucial social skills like sharing and using words to let others know what you would like.
With pet week we had to have a pet store!  We worked on sharing and taking turns with favorite animals as well as practicing buying and selling things!
 The 3-day a week class learned about dogs one day!  We made dog houses for a pet dog and drew other things a dog would need like food, toys, trees for shade, etc.  They did a great job!
 Every day we learn a new letter and get to practice writing the capital and lower case letters!  I love how the kids are always eager to have a turn at this! The 3-day a week classes learned the letters "P", "D", and "R" while the 2-day a week classes learned "P" and "R".  Please take some time to review these letters and their sounds with your child!  That will help reinforce what we've learned at school!

 Our new class pet!

 Music and movement was so enjoyable as the kids pretended to be "bunnies in the burrow"! 
"Bunnies in the burrow fast asleep, bunnies in the burrow fast asleep.  (Quietly)
Bunnies in the burrow! (Excitedly)
If you are wise, you will open up your eyes and hop away, hop away, hop, hop, hop!"
(The bunnies hopped away until a predator was coming and they quickly hopped back to the safety of their burrow!)
 One of our student's mom brought in some of their pet rabbits!  That was an awesome experience!
 Outside play time is always a fun time to get to strengthen large motor skills as well as social skills!  It was nice to have sunshine again this week!
We learned about the color brown with "Brown Rabbit's Shape Book" by Alan Baker.

Next week is Dinosaur week!  We're looking forward to learning all about dinosaurs and fossils as well as our field trip to the dinosaur museum! 

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