We grow greatness!

The seeds of greatness are sprouted HERE!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Open House and Fundraiser!

End-of-Year Celebration! 
Preschool Open House 
Saturday, May 16th 2:00-4:00

*Free Bounce House
*Free Games and Prizes!
*Free Face Painting
*Bake Sale and Giving Tree

Come celebrate with us and support preschool learning!

391 N. Main Street, Springville

*Bring your family and a friend!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Seeds and Mother's Day!

 We had a great week learning about seeds!
The kids were fascinated by the various sizes and types of seeds we examined: from tiny flower seeds to large avocado seeds!
 We put some bean and pea seeds in a jar with a moist paper towel to soften the outside coat so we could watch their progress as they germinate, or "start to grow."
 When we went outside for recess, we noticed that some of our flowers had gone to seed.  We opened up the seed pod and found tiny seeds that will grow new flowers!

 We also noticed dandelions and found where their seeds are too!
 We sorted 5 different kinds of seeds using chopsticks and tweezers.  This was a great way to practice classifying as well as strengthening fine motor skills.
 Although we continued to learn about seeds throughout the week, for our projects, we worked on getting our Mother's Day gifts ready.  These darling children were so excited to make all the pieces needed for their final gift!  And they were so eager to finally give their mom their special surprise at the end of the week!
 They sure love their moms!!   I wish I had a picture of each child with their mom!  Here's just a few to enjoy!  Happy Mother's Day!!
We moved our chrysalises to the butterfly house earlier in the week.  Each day, the children watch and wait for when they will emerge as butterflies!
I love saying the "Pledge of Allegiance" with the Pre-K classes each day!  They truly have learned so much this year and are ready and excited for kindergarten! 
Thank you to our newest assistant at the preschool: Adriana (Ady)!  She is here on an internship studying English and preparing to be a teacher back at her home.   She has been a wonderful addition to our school!
I hope you had a nice weekend and are ready for a new week!  We'll continue learning about seeds and plants this coming week.  Our end-of-year celebration/open house/fundraiser is coming up on Saturday, May 16th from 2:00-4:00!  I hope to see you all there!  Please spread the word and invite others that may be interested in the preschool this summer or fall!

Monday, May 4, 2015


 We were all fascinated watching our caterpillars grow all last week!!
At the end of the week, this class was lucky enough to witness one of the caterpillars changing into a chrysalis!  It was incredible!
The kids really enjoyed acting out the life cycle of a butterfly from eggs to hungry caterpillars to still, silent chrysalises until they emerged as butterflies!
The kids even flew around like butterflies during Music and Movement!
Pointing to their favorite butterflies after completing this large puzzle together!
We worked on our matching skills while we played matching games. 
 Since we were learning about butterflies, we had a perfect opportunity to learn about symmetry with the Pre-K classes!  They picked up this concept really quickly and did an impressive job making their own butterflies symmetrical! 
This little girl and her mom brought in a beautifully mounted Monarch butterfly for us to examine and learn about!  We all loved looking at it up close!
 One of our Pre-K kids practicing writing her name.  These kids are ready for Kindergarten!
 We also learned about shapes this week.  Shapes are all around us!  Let your child point out shapes they find around the house and outside!
Recess is the perfect time to apply the knowledge these kids have learned about insects!  Everyday now they search our rosebushes for ladybugs, count their spots, and identify their symmetry!  I love seeing these children learn and grow!
I couldn't resist adding this picture of these two little buddies making music together!
 For the month of May, we'll be learning all about Plants!