Since we learned about fish and reptiles earlier in the month, and then we have been learning all about mammals this week, it was perfect timing for a field trip to BYU's Bean Museum to see so many of the animals we
learned about!
We even got to see some live animals including these amazing reptiles!
The children really liked seeing these reptiles up close! They saw their scales and even got to gently touch some of them!
We also got to see some animals that we haven't learned about yet. We will be learning about insects and spiders later on in April.
We learned some very interesting facts about these cockroaches--they can survive without a head! Don't worry, we did not touch these critters! : )
It was neat to see the ocean display at the museum with so many different types of fish and sea life that we learned recently.
Time for the mammals!
These boys were so darling the entire field trip! They stuck together the whole time and excitedly visited each display intrigued by the animals they saw!
This week was "Z" week. We learned about zebras in particular so it was pretty neat to see them at the museum!
Each class went on a scavenger hunt for different animals throughout the museum.
I love field trips! I love the opportunity field trips provide to open our minds and see so many new things up close!
This class got to learn about birds and nests in one of the museum's discovery classes. This was a perfect introduction for when we learn about nests, birds, and eggs in March!
A herd of "Z" zebras!
We also got to enjoy a visit from our beloved Suzy Safari! She taught us about owls this week! As Suzy Safari always says to us:
"Animals here, animals there,
Animals, animals everywhere!
Hundreds of animals,
Thousands of animals,
Millions and trillions and billions of animals!"
(adapted from "Millions of Cats" by Wanda Gag)
We had a terrific week filled with ANIMALS!
Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped out with the field trip! I know your children absolutely loved sharing that special time with you and I appreciate it too!