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The seeds of greatness are sprouted HERE!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Teeth Week!

Continuing our monthly theme of "My Body," we learned about our teeth this week!
 I had the kids guess how many teeth they had and it was so entertaining to hear their responses!  Then, we learned that they really have 20 baby teeth!
They really enjoyed our teeth project of making a mouth like their own
with 10 teeth on the top and 10 teeth on the bottom!
  We just had to read Dr. Seuss' "The Tooth Book"!  I love Dr. Seuss' creative take on learning!
 A big "Thank You" to Springville Dentistry for coming to our Pre-K classes
 and teaching us about our teeth and how to take care of them!
Thank you as well to Rogers Center for Dentistry for visiting our 3-year-old classes and teaching us the right way to brush our teeth and how to keep them healthy!
Happy Tooth/Sad Tooth was a game where the children took turns choosing a food out of the basket and deciding if it would be something that would make our teeth healthy and strong or if it would make our teeth sad from all the "sugar bugs." 
We are grateful for so many yummy, healthy foods we can eat to keep our pearly whites happy! : )
 "O" was the letter of the week this week! 
 We made a class-sized "O"!  
We also discovered we could all come together to make the lowercase "o" too!
On Fridays we focus on our letter of the week.
This week we made "O" octopuses!
We used fine motor skills, math skills, and science skills as we learned about octopuses' 8 tentacles as well as the suction cups (Cheerios) on them!
 Busy little bodies building and creating with Legos!
 Each day the children get to be our "helpers" and lead us in our calendar, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the ABC's!  These kids are really getting ready for Kindergarten!
 Having fun matching letters!
 Signing a fellow classmate's cast was a great way to practice writing one's name!
 Our letter train was a great way to work together and review our letters!
We had some awesome block-castles constructed this week by different groups of children! 
I love when they work together and delight in what they've created!

We had a terrific week!  Just look at all those happy smiles! I love teaching all of these wonderful children!

Next week we're learning about staying healthy and taking care of our bodies!  

Our 5 Senses!

We had such a good time learning about and exploring our 5 senses! 
Mr. Potato Head visited our class to introduce the 5 senses to the kids and helped them learn a song about our senses!  The kids loved that he talked to each one of them and asked them a question about their senses!
After exploring our sense of sight and sense of hearing, the Pre-K classes drew pictures of things they could see and things they could hear.
The 3-year-olds glued on pictures of things they could see and hear.
When we learned about our sense of touch, the older kids got a thrill out of trying to guess what they grabbed in our sensory bag.  I encouraged them to feel the item, describe how it felt, 
and try to guess what it was. 
With the younger classes, we learned the vocabulary for different items we can feel and touch like the difference between smooth and pokey, for instance.  
They really enjoyed feeling and exploring each item!
Hands-on learning is a great way to help solidify new concepts!
We learned that our senses of smell and taste often work together.  The children enjoyed smelling and tasting their snack of sweet pineapple and salty crackers!
At the end of the week, we played a fun game to review all 5 senses!
 This week we reviewed many of the letters we've already learned so far.  Learning letters can be very fun!
We had fun matching the uppercase and lowercase letters we were reviewing!
 Using our sense of hearing as Ms. Ann led us in an interactive game of pass the beanbag!  The kids thought it was hilarious that each time they heard a tambourine they had to change the direction they were passing the beanbag!
 Enjoying some quiet reading time!
 Besides Mr. Potato Head, we also had Mother Goose and Goosey as visitors!  We always enjoy when Mother Goose comes with stories and rhymes!

Monday, January 12, 2015

"B" Week- Our Amazing Bodies!

This month we are learning about our amazing bodies! 
This week we focused on body parts.  The kids loved when we rolled back the rug and did our project on the floor one day this week!  
We traced each child's body and then they added their face and hair.
Some went all out and really got into coloring themselves! 
"Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" was a must this week!
We also made a little person flip-book with coordinating body parts. 
This was a great fine motor skill activity as the children colored and practiced cutting.
We took things one step deeper with our Pre-K classes this week as we learned about some of the body parts inside our bodies!  The kids loved wearing this anatomy apron and finding where the individual pieces went!

On our letter day, the children each came up with a word that starts with the letter "B."  They did a fantastic job thinking of "B" words!
Then, we went through magazine pages and found pictures of things that start with "B."
 We practiced writing the letter "B" and then,
the children got to choose which pictures they wanted to cut out and glue onto their letter page.
 Blocks were a great "B" activity!
 I love this picture of these two little guys enjoying their book time!
 Music and movement was a fun way for the children to get up and move their bodies!
 Thank you to one of our moms for bringing in some baby bunnies for us to hold, pet, and learn about!  What a perfect addition to our "B" week!
 This was one of the centers this week.  They don't always relate to our weekly theme.  These children really liked tracing and coloring using stencils!
Lastly, playing in the snow this week has been pretty exciting!  We're so glad we can still go out and get some fresh air and get some wiggles out!

Next we'll be learning about our 5 Senses and reviewing letters we've learned already!