Continuing our monthly theme of "My Body," we learned about our teeth this week!
I had the kids guess how many teeth they had and it was so entertaining to hear their responses! Then, we learned that they really have 20 baby teeth!
They really enjoyed our teeth project of making a mouth like their own
with 10 teeth on the top and 10 teeth on the bottom!
We just had to read Dr. Seuss' "The Tooth Book"! I love Dr. Seuss' creative take on learning!
A big "Thank You" to Springville Dentistry for coming to our Pre-K classes
and teaching us about our teeth and how to take care of them!
Thank you as well to Rogers Center for Dentistry for visiting our 3-year-old classes and teaching us the right way to brush our teeth and how to keep them healthy!
Happy Tooth/Sad Tooth was a game where the children took turns choosing a food out of the basket and deciding if it would be something that would make our teeth healthy and strong or if it would make our teeth sad from all the "sugar bugs."
We are grateful for so many yummy, healthy foods we can eat to keep our pearly whites happy! : )
"O" was the letter of the week this week!
We made a class-sized "O"!
We also discovered we could all come together to make the lowercase "o" too!
On Fridays we focus on our letter of the week.
This week we made "O" octopuses!
We used fine motor skills, math skills, and science skills as we learned about octopuses' 8 tentacles as well as the suction cups (Cheerios) on them!
Busy little bodies building and creating with Legos!
Each day the children get to be our "helpers" and lead us in our calendar, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the ABC's! These kids are really getting ready for Kindergarten!
Having fun matching letters!
Signing a fellow classmate's cast was a great way to practice writing one's name!
Our letter train was a great way to work together and review our letters!
We had some awesome block-castles constructed this week by different groups of children!
I love when they work together and delight in what they've created!
We had a terrific week! Just look at all those happy smiles! I love teaching all of these wonderful children!
Next week we're learning about staying healthy and taking care of our bodies!